Afghanistan Information. Please click here

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ډیرو درنو لوستونکو:

 دلته ما د افغانستان  د دولتی ادارو او رسمی موسسو د انټرنیټ  پتی را ټولی کړی، چی هیله ده ستا سو د پلټنی لپاره آسانتیاوی راوړی.

Afghanistan Regierung und Ministieren          حکومت او وزارتونه  
Afghanistan Government and Ministries

• Islamic Transitional State of Afghanistan
Islamic Assistance Coordination Authority
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Communication
Ministry of Agriculture
Afghanistan Constitutional Commission
Afghanistan Constitution (English Version )(Dari Version)
Afghan Embassy in US
Afghan Embassy in Australia
Afghan Embassy in France
Afghan Embassy in Canada
Afghan Embassy in Poland
British Embassy in Kabul
Ariana Airlines

Medien/ Media  ټولنیزی  خبرتیاو ی      

• UN News Centre
• IRIN News
• Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR)
• InterNews Afghanistan
• EurasiaNet (Afghanistan Resource Page)
• ReliefWeb Afghanistan
• Reuters Country Profile - Afghanistan
• Saraya Media Communication
• National Geographic - Afghanistan

Erziehung / Education    ښونی او روزنی 

• Afghanistan Digital Library
• Maps of Afghanistan
• Biodiversity Profile of Afghanistan
• Association of American University Presses
• Center for Afghanistan Studies
• US Library of Congress - Afghanistan Study
• University of California Berkeley (Selective Sources on Afghanistan)
• New York University (Study of Geothermal Energy in Afghanistan)
• Afghanistan Political Geography Articles
• Afghanistan Encyclopedia
• SIL International - Languages of Afghanistan

Agenturen des Vereinigten Nationen  United Nations Agenciesملګری ملتونه په افغانستان کی

• Bonn Agreement Text
• United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
• Afghanistan Information Management Centre
• International Assistance Security Force in Afghanistan
• Food and Agriculture Organization of UN
• UN World Food Programme for Afghanistan
• Development Gateway - Afghanistan
• World Bank Afghanistan
• World Meteorological Organization
• United Nation Development Fund For Women
• United Nation Development Programme
• UN News Centre
• UN Volunteers for Afghanistan
• UNODC Afghanistan (February 2004 Report)
• UNDP Afghanistan
• UNDP Documents on Afghanistan
• UNDP-Afghanistan's New Beginnings Programme
• UNESCO Afghanistan
• UNHCR Afghanistan
• UNICEF Afghanistan
• WHO Afghanistan

Internationale Organisationen und Agenturenنړیوالی اداری    
International Agencies and Organizations

• Amnesty International
• Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief
• Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit - A to Z Guide to Afghanistan Assistance
• The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission
• Asian Development Bank
• The Asia Foundation - Voter Education Planning Survey-Afghanistan 2004 National Elections
• Bank Information Center - Afghanistan Project
• Doctors Without Borders
• Reporters Without Borders (Afghanistan 2003 Annual Report)
• European Union's Relations with Afghanistan
• NATO in Afghanistan
• Freedom House - Afghanistan
• Human Rights Watch - Afghanistan
• International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
• International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX)-Asia Programs
• People in Need Foundation
• Physicians for Human Rights (PHR Afghanistan Report)
• Relief Web Afghanistan
• Save the Children Afghanistan
• Women for Afghan Women
• International Crisis Group (Afghanistan Report)
• Global Policy Forum on Afghanistan
• Berlin Conference 2004 (Afghanistan Policy Brief)
• Information on International Conference on Afghanistan in Berlin
• Center on International Cooperation (Afghanistan Reconstruction Project)
• CARE USA (Special Afghanistan Report)

Vereinigten Nation / United States Links ملګری ملتونه

• Afghanistan Information Sheet (US Department of State)
• Consular Information Sheet (US Department of State)
• 2004 Travel Warning (US Department of State)
• US Department of Commerce (Afghanistan Reconstruction Task Force)
• US Agency for International Development
• United States Institute of Peace (Establishing the Rule of Law in Afghanistan - March 2004 Special Report)
• US Embassy in Kabul
• Afghanistan Factbook
• Human Rights Report 2003
• Afghan-American Chamber of Commerce
• International Republican Institute
• National Democratic Institute


په آلمان کی  مهمی پتي:

Hier finden Sie Adressen wichtiger Behoerden für Afghanen in Deutschland. Außerdem die Adresse einiger afghanischer Geschäfte in Muenchen.

تاسو کولای شی دلته په آلمان کی د میشتو افغانانو لپاره  د دولتی ادارو  او نورو مهموموسسو پتی ترلاسه کړی. همدارنګه د مونشن په ښار کی د افغانی مغازو او ټولنیزو ځایونو پتی راغوڼدی شوی:

Botschaft des islamischen Staates

Taunusstr. 3
Ecke Kronbergerstr. 5
14193 Berlin
afghanische-Botschat in Berline

Tel.: +49 (0) 30 206 73 50
Fax.: +49 (0) 30 229 15 10
Montag bis Donnerstag 9:30 - 14:00

Anfahrt aus Richtung Zoologischer Garten:
BUS X10, M29 bis 'Joseph-Joachim Platz' 

دافغانستان د اسلامی جمهوریت سفارت
 د جرمنی د برلین په ښار کی

General Konsulat des islamischen
Staates Afghanistan in Bonn

Liebfrauenweg 1a
53125 Bonn

Tel.: 0228-256797
Fax: 0228-255310

د افغانستان د اسلامی جمهوریت
 لویه قونسلګری د آلمان د بن په ښارکی

Münchner Flüchtlingsrat

Goethestraße 53
80336 München

Fon 123 900 96
Fax 123 921 88

Büro Zeiten
Mo, Di, Mi, Fr
10.00 - 12.00 Uhr

د آلمان د مونشن په ښار کی
د مهاجرو او کډوالو لپاره مشورتی دفتر

Afghanische Moschee in München

Isolden Str. 23
München (Schwabing)

Tel.: +49 (0) 800 25 43

د آلمان د مونشن په ښار کی
د افغانانو جامع جومات

Ariana Market

Senefelderstr. 6
80336 München

Tel.: 089 592523
Fax: 089 592543
Mobil: 0171 5436 283

د آلمان د مونشن په ښار کی
د آریانا مارکیت 

Afghan Markt

Kaupuzinerstr. 2
80337 München
Tel.: 089 7256807

د آلمان د مونشن په ښار کی
افغان مارکیت


Hindukusch Restaurants

Bazeillisstrasse 5

81669 München

Tel : 089/44769899

Fax : 089/44769045



د هندوکش رستوران
د مونشن په ښار کی


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